Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why Use Professional Tax Debt Help?

Good IRS tax relief is hard to find and for people with complicated tax issues, it is an absolute necessity. But how do you know which tax reduction firm is the best one to try? How can you be sure you’re going to get the tax debt help that you need? And why is it so vital to receive help from professionals?

Settling Your IRS Tax Debt For Less

When your IRS tax debt is spiraling out of control, you’re going to want experienced tax debt help. Without an IRS tax relief agency, your chances of settling your IRS debt for less are slim. In order to qualify for an IRS tax settlement, you have to submit an “Offer in Compromise.” When you submit the Offer in Compromise form you have to detail your complete financial information. You also have to include 20% of the offer you submitted. If this all sounds complicated, that’s because it is! Submitting the Offer in Compromise is only half of the battle. That’s because it’s hard to communicate with the IRS. The IRS is a busy hive of workers and they are trained to do only one thing; and that “one thing” is to collect the balance in full. The IRS is not trained in helping you negotiate a fair tax settlement. But the tax attorneys and CPAs available at IRS tax relief companies are trained in getting you the best offer and providing expert tax debt help.

IRS Tax Levy Help

IRS tax levies have a devastating affect on taxpayers. For those who owe back taxes, the IRS has the power to seize all the money from your bank account, garnish your paycheck, and even seize your property to satisfy the tax debt. And when your bank account is soon to be levied, watch out! You’ll need tax levy help, and you’ll need it fast. This is an urgent situation. The IRS first freezes your account. You then have only 21 days before they seize all of the funds in your bank account “for good”. So if you have already received a “Notice of Intent to Levy Your Bank Account”, the tax levy could strike at any time. It’s important to find an IRS tax relief expert that will provide the urgent tax levy help you need. This IRS expert will work directly with the IRS to have your tax levy quickly removed (released). Calling the IRS directly is a bad idea because they will simply tell you the only way to have your tax levy removed is to pay your tax debt in full. If you need tax levy help, look for qualified professional IRS help.

IRS Tax Penalty Abatement

Many taxpayers are not aware that it is possible to have all of the penalties abated from your IRS tax debt. This is known as Penalty Abatement, and it is available to people who qualify. This is not a “free for all” program and you are required to display “true need”. For example, if you were sick, if there was a natural disaster, or if there was some kind of circumstance that kept you from filing or paying on time you may be likely to qualify. But you have to watch your back. The IRS is not going to give you an easy time about this. You’ll need lots of paperwork and documentation to back up your claims. And if you don’t have it, you will be out of luck. If any of the situations listed apply to you, you should seek professional tax debt help so you can maximize your chances of having undeserved IRS tax penalties removed from your IRS debt.

About Professional Tax Debt Help

Finally, you need to consider how your chosen tax reduction firm is staffed. You want the IRS tax relief firm you’ve selected to be staffed with nothing but experienced IRS professionals. This means you’ll want a tax firm staffed with Tax Attorneys, Certified Tax Professionals, and maybe even former IRS employees who can bring “insider knowledge” to the team. The IRS is the largest collection agency in the world. There is no way that ordinary citizens can know every single tax code there is to insure their rights are protected while they attempt to secure some form of IRS tax relief! It is almost always a good idea to hire qualified professional tax help to address your important IRS tax debt matters.

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